Fall '24 University of Michigan-Dearborn Non-Resident Graduate Award (US Based)

Scholarship Awarding University: 

Type of degree: 

Scholarship Deadline: 
Applications for this scholarship will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Scholarship Summary: 
For graduate students who are classified as a non-resident for tuition assessment, the Non-Resident Graduate Tuition Scholarship Program provides up to 80% of the difference between resident and non-resident tuition assessment. Domestic and International students are eligible for this scholarship.

Scholarship Applicant Criteria: 
The criteria for eligibility are as follows;
i. Minimum 3.0/4.0 cumulative GPA required

Value of Scholarship: 
The UMD Non-Resident Graduate Tuition Scholarship Program provides up to 80% of the difference between resident and non-resident tuition assessment and is valued as $5,050/term or just under $10,100 per year.

Scholarship Application Guide: 
To apply;
1. For newly admitted graduate students in the College of Arts, Sciences, & Letters (CASL); the College of Education, Health, & Human Services (CEHHS); and the College of Engineering & Computer Science (CECS), the awarding process is automated and no separate application is needed. 

2. Domestic students in the College of Business (COB) are required to submit this brief application form to be considered. Non-residential international applicants will be automatically awarded.

Scholarship Website: 
Find further information on this scholarship opportunity at the University of Michigan-Dearborn Non-Resident Graduate Scholarship Page or the International Financial Aid Page.