2024|25 Birkbeck Diversity100 PhD Studentship (England Based)


Scholarship Awarding University: 

Scholarship Deadline: 
Applications for this scholarship will end on the 13th of May, 2024.

Scholarship Summary: 
Due to the lack of representation by UK Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students at doctoral level, Birkbeck is offering a number of studentships for PhD students starting their studies in Autumn 2024. Successful candidates will have a strong academic background and/or exceptional research potential.

Scholarship Applicant Criteria: 
The necessary criteria are listed as follows;
i. The awards are for new students beginning their PhD studies in Autumn 2024 or current Birkbeck PhD students providing they will have at least 50% of their doctoral research remaining at the start of the Autumn term 2024.
ii. Candidates must qualify for Home fees (i.e UK citizens and residents only).
iii. These studentships are available to BAME PhD applicants only.
The following ethnic groups are considered as BAME:
a. Arab
b. Asian - Bangladeshi
c. Asian - Chinese
d. Asian - Indian
e. Asian - Other 
f. Asian - Pakistani
g. Black - African
h. Black - Caribbean
i. Black - Other 
j. Gypsy or Traveller
k. Mixed - White/Black Caribbean
l. Mixed - White/Black African
m. Mixed - White and Asian
n. Mixed - Other 
o. Other - Any other Black or Minority Ethnic Group.

Value of Scholarship: 
The Birbeck Diversity100 PhD studentship will cover all tuition fees (£4,712 a year for 2023/24) and provide a tax-free stipend for living expenses at UK Research Council rate (£20,662 a year for 2023/24) for up to three years full time or five years part time.

Scholarship Application Guide: 
To apply for this scholarship;
i. Apply for a place on an MPhil/PhD programme 
a. Applicants must submit a PhD programme application - you may apply for a place in any of the Birkbeck departments listed in the scholarship link below or visit Birkbeck PhD programme list to explore potential research areas.
b. You will need to identify a potential supervisor and write a research proposal.
c. When you complete your online Birkbeck PhD programme application form, please use the Finance section to state that you intend to apply for a ‘Diversity100 PhD studentship’.

ii. Submit an abstract
a. In addition to the PhD programme application, you must submit an abstract of your research proposal to the Birkbeck Graduate Research School (BGRS) using this online abstract form. The abstract must be no more than 250 words and must be written in a way that can be understood by a non-specialist.

Your abstract should be concise and include the following: 
  • A brief background to the proposed research area
  • The purpose of the proposed research; what would the research propose to examine or discover?
  • The principal question or argument you would be researching
  • The relevance of the proposed research; why would this research be important to complete? E.g. are you aiming to address a gap in knowledge or solve a problem? Are there any social or practical benefits to research in this area?
  • The scope of your project and the type of research you would carry out including key methodology or approaches you have identified.

Scholarship Website: 
Find further information on this scholarship opportunity at the Birkbeck Diversity100 PhD Page.